kingdom n. 1.王国。 2.〔K-〕 【宗教】天国,神政。 3.领域。 4.界〔指自然三界之一〕。 the United K- (大不列颠与北爱尔兰)联合王国。 the kingdom of God [heaven] 天国。 the kingdom of science 科学领域。 The mind is the kingdom of thought. 头脑是思想的王国。 the animal [vegetable, mineral] kingdom动[植、矿]物界。 come into one's kingdom〔俚语〕发迹,因继承财产而成为富翁,飞黄腾达,获得权力。 kingdom come 〔口语〕来世,天国(go to kingdom come 死。 send sb. to kingdom come 送某人上西天)。
A native or inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of judah 古犹大人古代犹大王国人或居住者
Following the assyrian judgment which primarily effected the northern kingdom of israel , god sent the babylonians to judge the southern kingdom of judah 在主要影响北国以色列的亚述审判时期以后,上帝用巴比伦人审判南国犹大。
So they went on increasing the power of the kingdom of judah , and made rehoboam , the son of solomon , strong for three years ; and for three years they went in the ways of david and solomon 这样、就坚固犹大国、使所罗门的儿子罗波安强盛三年、因为他们三年遵行大卫和所罗门的道。
The Kingdom of Judah (, Mamlekhet Yehuda) was a state established in the Southern Levant during the Iron Age. It is often referred to as the "Southern Kingdom" to distinguish it from the northern Kingdom of Israel.